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Lesson Learned: Guardianship: Be Prepared

Update Emergency Contacts and Medical Information Regularly

Becoming someone’s guardian comes with a great responsibility. You are ensuring the well-being of another individual. As a guardian, you are entrusted with making critical decisions regarding their care, especially in times of emergency. To ensure you are fully prepared for unforeseen situations, regularly updating emergency contact and medical information is crucial.

Why it Matters:
Imagine a situation where your ward experiences a sudden medical emergency. Medical professionals will need to contact their closest family members or designated guardians swiftly. Having accurate and up-to-date emergency contact information readily available can save precious time and ensure the ward receives prompt medical attention. Additionally, knowing their complete medical history allows healthcare providers to make informed decisions about their treatment.

What Information Needs Updating?
• Emergency Contacts: Include names, phone numbers, and relationships to the ward of individuals who should be contacted in an emergency. Consider including multiple contacts in case the primary one is unavailable.
• Medical Information: This encompasses details like allergies, medications, past surgeries, chronic conditions, and preferred doctors.
• Legal Documents: Ensure you have copies of important documents such as court issued documents, healthcare directives, living wills, and power of attorney and that they are readily accessible.

Frequency of Updates:
Life circumstances can change, and so should your guardianship records. Aim to review and update the information at least once a year or whenever a significant change occurs, such as:
• Changes in contact information: Phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses of emergency contacts change frequently.
• New medical information: Diagnoses, medications, or allergies require immediate updates.
• Shifting family dynamics: Changes in relationships within the family might necessitate updating emergency contacts or beneficiaries.

Taking Action:
• Gather and organize all relevant information in a safe and easily accessible location, such as a designated folder or a secure online platform.
• Share a copy of the updated information with trusted individuals like the ward’s doctor, primary caregiver, and other emergency contacts.
• Communicate clearly with the ward (if possible) about the updated information and the importance of keeping it accurate.

By regularly updating emergency contacts and medical information, you are proactively taking steps towards the well-being of your ward. This demonstrates responsible guardianship and ensures you are prepared to navigate any unforeseen situation effectively.